
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August: I'm Dreaming of...

Hello August.  Ok, mid-August.

I can't really say there is anything that I'm particularly dreaming about these days.

I've been reading again.  Finished 2 books in just over 2 weeks, Pen and Palate and The Elephant Vanishes, if you're interested.  Both books I'd recommend, but Pen and Palate is a biography geared at 20-somethings and The Elephant Vanishes is considered modern literature so may not be suitable for everyone.

I've baked some really simple things like the above butter cake dotted with sour cherries or a peach bread pudding because the peaches were bruising and I had a little leftover bread.

But really, I'm just trying to enjoy August (with a glass of iced tea).

However, I have been thinking more about that cafe.  I know, strange for August when most people think about the outdoors and sun, but here I am thinking about cafes.  I'm always on the look-out for that cafe though.  That cafe that has everything you want in a cafe.  Now, everyone has their different take on what their perfect cafe is or truthfully, I don't know if there truly is a perfect cafe.  I just like to think that there is one and that one day I'll find it in Toronto and love going with friends or alone.  I would prefer to say that tea room, but in all honesty, when I say tea room, the vision of bubble tea places pop up.  Not that they're bad (I have my favourites), and I probably frequent more bubble tea places than cafes, but tea rooms overseas are just different from bubble tea places here.  Also, the word cafe is just more encompassing.

Anyway, if you love "looking" at cafes, here is a blog that has many, many posts on cafes in Taiwan (and Japan); I was inspired to write this post after seeing the pics on this particular post as the place gives off such a mood!

I haven't come across too many blogs that focus on cafes in Toronto but I had started to like this one called Latte with Me but it looks like they have stopped posting.

Enjoy the rest of August!

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