
Monday, February 13, 2017

Dyeing Tea Towels with Natural Dyes

I've been in the need of new tea towels, especially to wipe up all the tea and water I sometimes spill as I brew tea.  Then just before Christmas I came across "flour sack towels" which were inexpensive lint free cotton towels and my mind started thinking...thinking of numerous DIY projects I could do!  The reason being is these are almost always white, a blank canvas pretty much.  I love white towels but sometimes having various colours or a print is also nice.

Interestingly enough someone on Instagram that LIKED one of my photos posted a picture of some lovely coloured towels dyed with various colours made from food...and a wonderful looking mauve made from avocado skins and seed!  Yes, mauve from avocado. She got the idea from the moneycrashers site which referenced another site, pioneer thinking.  

Anyway, I started reading more and started to think about using tea but of course the avocados were stuck in my head and I knew I had to experiment.... So, does the above towel look mauve?  

NO.  FAIL.  

More peach I would say but that is the colour I got when I used avocados...(sad face!).  Peach is still nice but not really the colour I was going for and in some lighting could look like a grimey towel unfortunately.  Not sure if the avocado has to be a certain ripeness or a certain varietal, but I should have known that the liquid just didn't look right. 

Back to colour experimentation.

I got my initial set of towels from Walmart, 5 for $7.  They are quite thin like muslin but actually soak up quite a bit of liquid and was great for wiping down a table.  Then I got a thicker set from Amazon, Aunt Martha's brand.  They cost quite a bit more per towel but are thicker which I think will be better for printing on...another bunch of experiments I'm planning.  Wish me luck!!


  1. Ah, maybe the colour didn't turn out as you hoped but it still looks great. Natural dye colours really have a beautiful depth of colour. I'm curious to know if you treated the fabric before or after the dyeing process?

    1. Thanks! I do like how it looks against blues. I did the fixing process before dyeing...actually haven't washed it yet so I'll have to let you know if it worked.
