
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July - I'm Dreaming of...

After weeks (or maybe even months) of not baking, a strawberry pastry cream tart was my reintroduction to a whisk.


It's been a while...

Life has gotten busier and a lot is changing...change is usually good though.

Just wanted to pop in and say I'm still here and have some food reviews I've been meaning to post but I'm hoping to get to them sometime in July.

I haven't been checking out my usual blogs as much, but I recently checked them out again and just want to say I'm still loving them!  Despite not being able to travel for a while, I still love reading about one of my favorite places to visit - Taiwan.

Here are 2 bloggers from Taiwan that I'm I fan of...

Curating Cuteness - film photography, love her points of view and vintage finds
Partie du Champagne - travel and photography, she recently posted on her trip to Africa (English version is not as updated but there is a link to see only English posts)

and just because, here is a summary post by Sugared & Spiced on her two-day trip to Tainan, Taiwan.

The month is almost half over so...what have I been dreaming of?  

July - I'm Dreaming of...

Simple things.  

- a clear kitchen table 
(maybe with exception for a tea pot and cups)

- fruit slushies/smoothies
(loved the papaya one I had a Pho Viet Express at Bathurst & Steeles)

- watching a movie again 
(a few weeks ago I was struck with what seemed like carpal tunnel in both my hands/wrists and my forearms were numb so I couldn't do very I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and it was great despite the circumstances)


  1. Hurrah! Welcome back, and what a delightful looking tart. I was thinking of buying a rectangular tart pan as well... seems like a smarter shape for sharing portions, vs a circular tart.

    1. Thanks! The rectangular shape is definitely better for portioning smaller pieces :)

  2. You were quite regular about posting and I wondered what happened. Glad to see you blogging again. I got myself into a rhythm of posting after a few years off. :) That strawberry tart looks delicious. It's one of my favourites...buttery tart shell, pastry cream and strawberries!

    1. Thanks, I missed blogging but just didn't have the energy. Yes, definitely one of my favorite desserts!
