
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Baking - October and November

Starting from Top L: 6" chiffon cake, olive, parmesan, rosemary sables, cheese and dill scones, mini choux puffs filled with pastry cream, mushroom shaped meringue, banana muffins, coconut jelly filled papaya, lemon chiffon cake

I've been sporatically baking  or making dessert but just haven't had time to post pictures or a little blurb. Here's a snapshot of some of the items.

Most of the items were quite simple to make and I wouldn't necessarily have anything much to write about except to document my baking progress.  But, I'm especially happy that I got to make mushroom shaped meringues (usually made for Christmas logs)!  They were fairly simple but took a lot longer to dry in the oven then what the recipe stated...maybe I made them a bit larger than stated...but I didn't care :D


  1. Nice lookin' baked goods! Funny, I was thinking about making a buche de noel this year, but the meringue mushroom part seemed daunting. We should join forces!

    1. Thanks! Haha, you'd make them much cuter than I would but yes, let me know if you want me to make you some!

  2. Those look amazing, especially the meringue mushrooms. Uber cute! ;)
