
Friday, July 10, 2015

July: I'm Dreaming of...

Strawberry yogurt popsicle @ a friend's Canada Day BBQ, so yummy!
Hot summer days.
Warm summer nights.

Time just sitting outdoors and letting the world pass by...
Time just enjoying the green of the season...
Time just savoring the fruit of the summer...
Time just spent wandering in the city...

How has it been over a week since the beginning of July?!

I'd love for the most important thing of the day to be "how to eat the ice cream cone or popsicle without it melting and dripping all over my hands and clothes..."

Here are some recipes for ice pops that sound amazing!

Smitten Kitchen - my friend used this one but made a few modifications :)
The Kitchn - breakfast popsicle, love it!
My Baking Addition - hmmm, goat cheese in a popsicle?!
Girlichef - and of course a tea popsicle, lol!  There are bubble tea popsicles online but this one (Earl Grey tea popsicle) is inspired by a 'foodie murder mystery' book called Death by Darjeeling (and yes, this is a real genre of books).

If ice cream is more your thing...
- Toronto Life recently listed a number of places to get your ice cream fix, many offering unique flavours.  I've definitely got to try a few of these places out.  It's sad to say that I've only been to one of the twenty-two listed.

Or, if you'd rather eat out of bowl instead of off a stick...
- Taiwanese shaved ice desserts!  Check out Ten Ren's Tea Time, ZenQ, and Cha Me Cha (Markham).


  1. Oh, you got me. I thought a "breakfast popsicle" would have an egg in it....

    1. Lol! That would be interesting...wonder if anyone could pull that off.
